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419-259-9400 HCVP 419-246-3183

Eligibility Requirements

LMH is responsible for ensuring that every tenant and household members admitted to the public housing program meets all program eligibility requirements. This includes any individual approved to join the family after the family has been admitted to the program. The tenant must provide any information needed by LMH to confirm eligibility and determine the level of the household's assistance.

To be eligible for the public housing program the applicant must:

  • Qualify as a family as defined by HUD and LMH.
  • Have income at or below HUD-specified income limits.
  • Qualify on the basis of citizenship or the eligible immigrant status of family members.
  • Provide social security number information for household members as required.
  • Consent to LMH's collection and use of family information as provided for in LMH provided consent forms.
  • Attend a pre-occupancy class.

LMH must determine that the current or past behavior of household members does not include activities that are prohibited by HUD or LMH.