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419-259-9400 HCVP 419-246-3183

Social Distancing Protocol


  • Signage at each public entrance of the facility to inform all employees and clients that they should: avoid entering the facility if they have a cough or fever; maintain a minimum six-foot distance from one another; sneeze and cough into a cloth or tissue or, if not available, into one's elbow; and not shake hands or engage in any unnecessary physical contact.

Measures to Protect Employee Health:

  • Everyone who can carry out their work duties from home has been directed to do so as outlined in the essential/non-essential staff schedule. Work schedules will be adjusted based upon each new Phase of Recovery.
  • All employees have been told not to come to work if sick.
  • Supervisors are instructed to conduct Health Assessment on employees, including taking the employees temperature.
  • All desks or individual workstations are separated by at least six feet.
  • Offices, Break rooms, bathrooms, and other common areas are being disinfected frequently, on the following schedule:
    • Break rooms: daily
    • Bathrooms: daily
    • Common Areas: daily
    • Offices: Staff should wipe down their office daily and LMH will deep clean offices weekly and/or twice weekly depending upon Phase of Recovery.
  • Disinfectant and related supplies are available to all employees at the following location(s): Procurement Manager-201 Belmont, Property Management Offices, Central Office-Executive Assistant, Resident Services Office- VP of Resident Services, and Byrne Road- VP of HCV
  • Hand sanitizer effective against COVID-19 is available to all employees at the following location(s): Procurement Manager-201 Belmont, Property Management Offices, Central Office-Executive Assistant, Resident Services Office- VP of Resident Services, and Byrne Road- VP of HCV
  • Staff should maintain good hygiene at all times by washing their hands frequently. Soap and water are available to all employees in facilities restrooms.
  • Staff should clean and sanitize their work areas and workplace throughout the workday.
  • All staff should wear PPE equipment at all times to include at a minimum face covering, and gloves provided by LMHA.
  • Employees are to clock in and out through their computer. DO NOT USE THE HAND SCANNER.
  • Employees working a normal workday, will be allowed to take their lunch and two (2) 15-minute breaks. Employees may eat at their desk. Staff break rooms will have restricted use for social distancing purposes. Staff may use the refrigerator and microwave. Keep all common areas and equipment clean. Do not bring food to share or leave in a common area to share.
  • To avoid exposing others to illness/symptoms due to contacts with the general public, staff are encouraged from leaving the premises during their lunch/breaks.
  • As a reminder, all staff must be certified by management before entering the building.
  • Please yield to others in aisles, stairways, and spaces where social distance cannot be maintained.
  • Do not enter someone else's cubicle space, or touch anything in their cubicle space.
  • Use of common areas is limited. Staff are encouraged to stay within their assigned floor and use the restrooms and common areas close to their work area.
  • Restroom protocol: Do not loiter; refrain from conversations in closed spaces; refrain from brushing your teeth in the restroom as this could create risk for others; do not bring personal property, including cell phone or agency property/work into the restroom.
  • Copies of this Protocol have been distributed to all employees.
  • Modifications to this protocol may be made contingent upon Phase of Recovery.

Measures to Prevent Crowds from Gathering:

  • During Recovery Phase II and III LMH will limit the number of residents and clients in lobby and Property Management offices at any one time to no more than 2-5 depending upon the office which allows for clients and employees to easily maintain at least six-foot distance from one another at all practicable times.
  • LMH may post a security guard at its Byrne Road Office at the door to ensure that the maximum number of customers in the facility set forth above is not exceeded.
  • Furniture will be removed from sitting areas and lunchrooms in buildings and offices to eliminate congregating by staff.
  • Play equipment at developments have been closed and will remain closed until further notice.

Measures to Keep Clients and Residents At Least Six Feet Apart:

  • Signs will be placed outside public entrance of offices reminding clients and residents to be at least six feet apart, including when in line.
  • LMH will place tape or other markings at least six feet apart in client and resident line areas inside offices and/or on sidewalks at public entrances with signs directing customers to use the markings to maintain distance. (as needed)
  • All employees will be instructed to maintain at least six feet distance from clients and residents and from each other, except employees may momentarily come closer when necessary to accept payment, deliver services, or as otherwise necessary as long as they are wearing PPE. (All Phases)
  • LMH will post notices for no more than 2 in an elevator at any time.

Measures to Prevent Unnecessary Contact:

  • Commodities and Food Programs will pre-package food allowing for staff and residents to remain six feet apart during distribution.
  • Staff will be required to wear PPE (gloves) when accepting documentation and payments.
  • During Phase I and II the majority of one to one meetings are discouraged.
  • Residents will be asked to wear PPE (face coverings) when one to one meetings are resumed.

Measures to Increase Sanitation:

  • Hand sanitizer, soap and water, or effective disinfectant will be made available to client and residents at or near the entrance of the facility, and anywhere else inside buildings and offices where clients or residents have direct interactions.
  • All high-contact surfaces will be disinfected frequently.
  • All common copiers should be sanitized after each use by staff.

This is a living document and is subject to change.