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419-259-9400 HCVP 419-246-3183

Demetria Simpson to replace Martin LaMar as Interim President and Chief Executive Officer

Lucas Metropolitan Housing Authority
435 Nebraska Avenue, PO Box 477
Toledo, Ohio 43697-0477
Fax 419-259-9494
TRS: Dial 711 

Contact Information:
Chairman of the Board, Hugh Grefe, 419‐283‐5601
Chief Legal Officer, Thomas Mackin, 419‐259‐9459

May 23, 2017
The Board of Commissioners for Lucas Metropolitan Housing Authority has appointed Demetria Simpson to be Interim President and Chief Executive Officer effective immediately. Ms. Simpson replaces Martin LaMar who has resigned.

Demetria Simpson will lead the metropolitan area's largest landlord. Lucas Metropolitan Housing Authority is responsible for over 7,600 homes in Lucas County in which over 17,000 residents of Lucas County live. Ms. Simpson has a rich background in progressively more responsible positions in housing organizations including South Mississippi Housing and Development Corporation and the Mississippi Regional Housing Authority VIII. Ms. Simpson is a graduate of the University of Southern Mississippi and has participated in executive programs of the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.

Housing Authority Board Chair Hugh Grefe said that the LMHA board is enthusiastic about Ms. Simpson in her new role. "She has been a well‐respected and successful Chief Operating Officer for LMHA recently, and previously was the Director of Real Estate Development and Modernization. We are confident that she will be an excellent leader for LMHA going forward, and we are pleased that LMHA will have a smooth leadership transition," said Mr. Grefe.